Diesis Network is happy to welcome three new members in its network! Their membership will allow Diesis community to foster cooperation on a larger European scale.



Cluster for Eco-Social lnnovation and Development CEDRA Split and CEDRA Split are a quintuple helix hybrid cluster from Croatia involving private and civic organizations, individuals and public sector representatives interested to work on agile, integrative and regenerative development of people, organizations, communities and eco-systems. Cluster was formally founded in 2012 (CSO) and 2015 (Ltd) as a part of series of the coordinated efforts at the locai, regional, national and international level to create models, structures, projects and programmes that will support an idea of an innovative mesoeconomic plexus focused on value based, eco-social economy and innovation, circular economy, and recently regenerative economy and regenerative tourism.

More information on  https://www.diesis.coop/network/cedra-split/



The Italian National Consortium “Idee in Rete” was established in 2003 to bring together cooperative enterprises that operate with the aim of building generative welfare. Based in Pinerolo, Italy, it is associated with Confcooperative by which it is recognized as a National Consortium. Idee in Rete operates with entrepreneurial tools, promoting among its members and outside the culture of ethical social enterprise, aware of the promotion of rights and processes of social inclusion. It recognizes itself as part of the cooperative movement and actively works to recognize its ethical, strategic and organizational policies.

More information on https://www.diesis.coop/network/idee-in-rete/


Partners Albania for Change and Development is an Albanian organisation with over seventeen years of experience combining local knowledge with innovative tools and techniques to build platforms for communities, civil society organisations, government and business, and facilitating participatory processes to advance constructive change towards sustainable development.  Partners Albania is a member of several European and regional networks. Partners Albania works for the development of social entrepreneurship and social enterprises (SEs) through research to better understanding features and models of SEs along with their development challenges, aiming to educate all relevant stakeholders in supporting the role of SEs as a significant factor for the socio-economic advancement of the country. These instruments are in function of advocacy efforts for an enabling institutional and financial environment for SEs.

More information on https://www.diesis.coop/network/partners-albania-for-change-and-development/.


We very much look forward to keep growing together!