Final conference

26th September 2017
9.30 am to 1.30 pm

Instituto Cervantes
Avenue Louise 140
1050 Bruxelles

SENINTER is not just a trip, it is a legacy 



The SENINTER project proposes the creation of a slow and sustainable tourism product adapted to the seniors travelling with their grandchildren during the low and medium season in Europe. Partner organisations from Slovenia, Italy, Belgium and Spain are giving a new form to this innovative idea that launches a new tourist model and opens a new way from conventional to responsible tourism

SENINTER TOUR aims to promote a slow and sustainable tourism product targeted and adapted to the seniors travelling with their grandchildren during the low and medium season in Europe.

The tourism product will be based on the discovery of the local heritage (tangible and intangible), culture and on meetings with the local community, especially with other seniors and their grandchildren of the destination.

During the conference the partneship will present the SENINTER MODEL based on 4 important factors and values:

4 pillars

TRANS-NATIONALITY: the product increases its interest in term of sharing experiences and culture if made in an international context;

INTER-GENERATIONALITY: by giving the chance for seniors to travel with their grandchildren, the relationship within elderly and youngest will benefit;

LOCAL COMMUNITY: in terms of sustainable and foremost responsible tourism, the supply side will benefit in terms of income and knowledge/engagement and the demand side will have a deeper experience of the visited places;

LOW SEASON: due to the target groups it will be possible to cope with the challenge of increasing the occupancy rate during the low season.


Download the final agenda