“Growing Europe. Boosting Migrant Entrepreneurship Networks” is the final online conference of the EMEN project, organized in collaboration with two other COSME-funded projects, M-UP and MAGNET!  


#GrowingEurope is a series of online events taking place each Thursday in September 2020dedicated to current issues and future challenges of migrant entrepreneurship in Europe. The 3rd, the 10th, the 17th and the 24th of September from 2.30 to 4.40 pm CEST. In total, there will be more than 10 online sessions that will address different topics related to migrant entrepreneurship! You can click HERE to visit the website of the event, find out more about all the sessions and register! 

In the framework of this event, Diesis Network is organising or co-organising the following sessions…  


COVID-19 impact on migrant entrepreneurship 

 03/09/2020 – 3.40/4.40 pm CEST 

Register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_43oWGLUlSvSY-VRc1IC_Xg 



How are inclusive entrepreneurship programmes responding to the Covid-19 pandemic? What are the additional challenges migrants and refugee entrepreneurs are facing? How can they be better supported? What can we learn from this crisis to bring new opportunities? 

As the situation with COVID-19 evolves, different initiatives aiming to minimise the significant impact the pandemic is having and will continue to have not only in people’s health but also on workers, businesses and the general economy are flourishing. While migrant and refugee entrepreneurs have proved to be resilient individuals that bring new market opportunities to their new society, they are often the most hit by these kinds of crises, having to navigate thought additional challenges. With different international organisations predicting the major economic downturn of our era, it is essential to make sure we leave no one behind, uniting in diversity for a prompt recovery that makes us not only stronger and more resilient, but also able to develop more inclusive and equal societies. To support current and new inclusive initiatives and developing new strategies and partnerships emerging as a result of the crisis can be some of the strategies needed to achieve that new reality.  


  • Supporting migrant entrepreneurs during the pandemic: the experience of UNITEE, by Adem Kumcu, President of UNITEE
  • The point of view the Milan Municipality, by Giuseppina Corvino
  • Running a business during the COVID-19, by Robert Mutua, Shofrica

Moderated by Gianluca Pastorelli, Executive President of Diesis Network 


Variety of migrant entrepreneur needs 

In collaboration with THUAS 


10/09/2020 – 2.30/3.30 pm CEST  

Register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QKzIlj1kRbKBczBHrUtDcQ 



This panel wishes to understand which are migrant entrepreneur needs and which are the main barriers to creating and managing their businesses.
You will have the chance to listen to the direct experience of several migrant entrepreneurs! 


Introduced and moderated by Klaas Molenaar, THUAS 


Social economy and migrant entrepreneurship 

Organized in collaboration with REVES and CECOP, with the intervention of ILO  


10/09/2020 – 3.40/4.40 pm CEST  

Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_lhlaED9BRGCLWVDEC_094Q 



When it comes to business support to migrant entrepreneurs, the social economy enterprises are rarely mentioned. However, the support that Social Economy can give to migrant entrepreneurs can take multiple forms.
This session wishes to analyse how actors from the social economy sector support migrants before, during and after the creation of a social enterprise. Indeed, social economy enterprises can encourage and support not just the creation of new jobs, but also entrepreneurship and access to economic activities for migrants and refugees. 


  • Keynote speech by Victor van Vuuren Director of the Enterprises Department, ILO 
  • Keynote speech by Giuseppe Guerini, President of CECOP
  • Gianluca Pastorelli, President of Diesis Network 
  • Presentation of three best practices 

Moderated by Luigi Martignetti, Secretary General of REVES 


Digitalisation: what role can new ICT tools and services play in supporting migrant entrepreneurs? 

Organized in collaboration with the NT4EU project and Simplon 


17/09/2020 – 3.40/4.40 pm CEST  

Register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_rcfRupPNRFaporhFreNfAg 



Digitalization is now a reality in all the fields of the economy and in all the phases of an enterprise lifecycle.
ICT tools can highly benefit migrant entrepreneurs that decide to develop an enterprise in Europe. How can ICT tools support migrant entrepreneurs? 


  • The role ICT tools can play in migrant entrepreneurship, presentation by DG CNECT (TCB) 
  • Building ICT tools for migrants, by Theo Biddulph, NT4EU project and Simplon 
  • Presenting Mygrants, by Chris Richmond Nzi 
  • Presenting Molengeek, by Ibrahim Ouassari 

Introduced and moderated by Eleonora Lamio, Diesis Network 


Narratives on migrant entrepreneurship 

Organised by UNITEE (coordinator of the MAX project) with the support of Diesis Network 


24/09/2020 – 3.40/4.40 pm CEST   

Register here: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_5Z0SMpEFQr-LN-aBweexew 



Migrants significantly contribute to economies of host communities. Migrants bring knowledge and skills transfer to communities, which can foster higher productivity, more innovation and overall positive economic impacts.
But if migrant entrepreneurship can be highly beneficial for both the newcomers and the host society, why it is not better supported and thus exploited?
Is there a lack of overall awareness about this positive contribution in Europe?
Is migrant entrepreneurship not valued enough because of the sometimes negative perceptions and wrong stereotypes surrounded migration narratives? 



  • Why Narrative on Migrant Entrepreneurship? Introduction by Maria Grazia Montella, PhD in Urban Anthropology and project coordinator of the MAX project at UNITEE 
  • The Solutions Journalism approach and how it contributes to the shift of the narratives around migration by Catherine Edwards, The Local 
  • A dream called Baby Café: a real story from the ground by Rachida Bouganzir, Founder and owner of  Baby Café Haricot Magique social project in Brussels, Belgium 
  • Policymaking and migrant entrepreneurship: the importance of the wording by Juan Francisco Alvarado Valenzuela,  Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences 

 Moderated by Maria Grazia Montella, UNITEE and coordinator of the MAX project 


All the information on Growing Europe’s website.