Diesis Network is happy to welcome three new members in its network! Their membership will allow Diesis community to foster cooperation on a larger European scale.


SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education Ltd (Cyprus) initiates and implements research and educational projects of social impact (particularly in the fields of employment, entrepreneurship, migrant integration and social inclusion) and manages “Hub Nicosia,” a pioneering social innovation hub which houses and supports organisations, entrepreneurs and enterprises with a social mission. It also runs the “Social Cafe”, a unique initiative aiming at the empowerment and social inclusion of migrants, asylum seekers and refugees.

More information here.

Symplexis (Greece) is a non-for-profit organisation, aiming at elevating social cohesion, serving the modern needs of populations at risk of social exclusion and promoting human rights. All activities designed and implemented by the organisation are user-centered, having a set of values as cornerstone, like impact sustainability, respect to uniqueness and tailor-made approach, userdriven design and implementation, results-based orientation and superior community ideals.

More information here.


The Social Entrepreneurship Association of Latvia (SEAL) is a member organisation that promotes the development of social entrepeneurship in Latvia. It was founded in 2015 and has more than 120 members, including social enterprises, social entrepreneurship support organisations, social entrepreneurship ecosystem players and interested individuals. SEAL is the biggest national level organisation regarding social entrepreneurship in Latvia, serving both as an advocacy body and knowledge sharing platform about social entrepreneurship related topics.

More information here.


We very much look forward to keep growing together!