We’re happy to attend an important event on “The State of Platform Cooperativism”, taking place in November 7-9, 2019, at The New School in New York. ?

➡️This event will bring together many of the most active players in this movement worldwide to share updates and insights, instigate initiatives, make new friends, lift each other up, plan next steps, and find new business partners as well as funders.

The following topics, among others, will be explored:
▪️Platform co-ops: formation, capital conundrum, and operation
▪️Green platform co-ops fighting climate change
▪️Against misogyny and racism in co-op
▪️Advancing youth employment through platform co-ops
▪️Data co-ops and governance

Find all the information about the conference here:
? https://platform.coop/events/conference-2019/