T4Food project selected for the VET Excellence Awards 2022

T4Food project selected for the VET Excellence Awards 2022

Training for Sustainable Food Systems Development (T4Food) promotes a training based on the development of “green skills” in the food sector, in order to increase the number of jobs supporting an ecological, sustainable and inclusive transition. The online voting for...
Diesis is a strategic partner of #enterprisingfortomorrow22

Diesis is a strategic partner of #enterprisingfortomorrow22

On May 13, ADV Romania is organizing the 2nd edition of the Enterprising for Tomorrow –  Social Entrepreneurship & Youth Engagement Conference. We are pleased to announce that Diesis Network is a strategic partner of this European Conference on Social...
Training in Rome

Training in Rome

Members of the project Take a Part had the chance to meet in Rome this past April; hosted by our partner #Associazione Nazionale per Industria e Terziario. Togheter with Innogrowth (Bulgaria), Anpit (Italy), ASB Ostthuringen e.V. (Germany) we took part of this sharing...
Social economy advocacy in the Western Balkans

Social economy advocacy in the Western Balkans

Last March we had the chance to join our Western Balkans partners in Podgorica (Montenegro) in the framework of the WB SEA project for a training on advocacy processes led by young people under the framework of social economy policies. It was not only a great...