Join Our Team: EU Projects Manager

Join Our Team: EU Projects Manager

We are recruiting an EU Projects Manager to manage the organisation’s work in EU and third parties funded projects. The EU Projects Manager will be working with the various project files of the organisation, contributing to the implementation of the DIESIS Annual...
New Article!

New Article!

This article was written by Alyssa Keith and Vesa Latifi (Diesis Network) “Diesis has demonstrated a momentous effort in the past few years to promote gender equality and give visibility to females working at corporate and social enterprises. As more women enter...
VR Theatre celebration!

VR Theatre celebration!

Scan the QR code to download the VR app.  [ENG] You are invited to our VR theatre end of project celebration on the 10th of February 2023, from 13 to 16 in Brussels! With this friendly gathering,...
VR Theatre workshops in Brussels

VR Theatre workshops in Brussels

In collaboration with les Polymorphistes, a Belgian association and theatre company using theatre as a tool of social inclusion, in December 2023, Diesis organized, in the framework of the VR theatre project, a series of workshops on theatre and virtual reality...
Diesis joins the ECCP

Diesis joins the ECCP

Diesis Network has been selected to join the European Cluster Collaboration Platform (ECCP). Since 2015, the European Cluster Collaboration Platform has acted as a platform for industrial clusters to come together and strengthen the European economy through...