Diesis is actively looking for a researcher / research organisation with experience in industrial relations in Belgium for external expert tasks.


The main tasks contracted out is delivering a country report on Belgium including identification a list of and completion of two case studies on trade unions and innovative services in the country.


The aims of the BreakBack project are threefold:

  • to assess how trade unions respond to the processes of individualisation in the society
  • to observe the impact of innovation in services provision as a trade union strategy to
    enhance its membership
  • to focus on services provision as an instrument to reach those social groups and
    individuals who are often excluded from union protection (e.g. non‐ standard forms of
    employment, digital workers, partially and totally autonomous workers, I‐pros,
    freelancers, workers with multiple employers, sub‐contracted and posted workers,
    consultants, etc.).


You can find all the details of this Call for Bids HERE and the Country Report Outline on the National Industrial Relations System HERE.


The DEADLINE for receiving the bids is noon, 19th of August 2019.


Formal offers should be emailed to: Melinda.Kelemen@diesis.coop and Luca.Pastorelli@diesis.coop