In the framework of Buying for Social Impact (BSI) project, lead by Aeidl, #DIESIS in partnership with the Association for Social Cooperatives and the support of the Public Procurement Office, Social and Solidarity Economy Department of the Ministry of Family, Labour and Social Policy, Ministry of Entrepreneurship and Technology, the Ministry of Investment and Development is pleased to present an in-depth seminar addressed to administrators and officials of local and regional authorities and operators of the third sector / social economy.

The aim of the conference is the promotion and dissemination of the use of socially responsible public procurement based on the provisions of Directive 2014/24 / EU. The event is part of a wider initiative launched by the Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) and the European Commission Directorate General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs (DG GROW) in 15 EU countries, entrusting its implementation to five European organisations active in promoting local development and social economy Member States with five European organisations actively involved in promotion of local development and social economy.

The BSI team will facilitate knowledge sharing and exchange among public buyers and social economy enterprises through the organisation of awareness raising and training conferences in 15 EU countries. The conferences are upon invitation only. Should you however like to register your interest to attend, or present your good public procurement case at one of our conferences, please get in touch with Sophia Spiliotopoulou .

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