Diesis is part of Buying for Social Impact , a project commissioned by the European Commission, DG GROW. It  aims at  promoting  the use of social considerations in public procurement procedures.
DIESIS is in charge of collection and redaction of best practices and of coordinating the activities in Poland, Croatia, Czech republic and Slovakia.
In the first phase of the project, Diesis will collect good practices that show how the social aspects of the public procurement directive can be implemented in practice.
Thus, if you think that a practice your know meets some of the criteria below, please contact us.
  • Does the call foresee reserved contracts for economic operators whose aim is the social integration of disadvantaged workers?
  • Does the call include social considerations in award criteria?
  • Does the call include social considerations in contract performance clauses?
  •  Does the call split the contract into small lots or envisage subcontracting, to allow social economy enterprises to bid?
  •  Does the call include accessibility requirements?
  • Does the call use the best price-quality ratio as award criterion for social and health services?
Contact: Dorotea Daniele, DIESIS dorotea.daniele@diesis.coop
For more information about the project take a look  Buying for social impact
Buying for Social Impact is carried out by a consortium comprising the Association Européenne pour l’Information sur le Développement Local (AEIDL), the Réseau Européen des Villes et Régions de l’Economie Sociale (REVES), DIESIS, Social Economy Europe and the European Network of Social Integration Enterprises (ENSIE).