In this report you will find a summary of DIESIS’s work. For us, 2016 represented a year of continuity with the past, consolidating positions in the European scenario and opening up to new horizons. DIESIS continues to offer its members services related to research and development, European project design and thematic expertise.In 2016 DIESIS continued its technical support activities for the Social Economy and Social Enterprises through consultancy, project development and training for members, working with the European Commission in the GECES Expert Group, and continuing the technical assistance work for the Managing Authorities of the European Social Fund.

We have consolidated and launched new activities on key issues for the present and the future of Europe, such as assistance and integration into the labour market of people with a migrant background , Social and responsible tourism, solidarity tourism, fair tourism, community tourism… all these forms of tourism which represent a hub of energy and innovative forces as well as an area of great interest and collaborations for Social Economy organisations. Projects related to adult education and lifelong learning have always been an asset for DIESIS. In 2016 a number of practical training activities involving over 100 social business managers have started.

This year we welcome a new member, AVISE, the prominent French national social enterprise support organisation. This is a new step in a full-scale geographical enlargement that is being consolidated witnessing the interest that our structure attracts on the European stage.

In the first half of 2017 DIESIS’ Network is expanding and we welcome 5 new members: the Wales Cooperative Center from the UK, KMOP from Greece, AITR from Italy, Social Economy Slovenia and IARS, an international network based in the UK.

We are proud of these results, which have been achieved thanks to collaboration between a renewed and increasingly cohesive staff and our members, who are a reference point and a continuous stimulus for us. The facts and figures below highlight the impressive amount of work that we undertake each year.

Gianluca Pastorelli

Annual Report Diesis