CGM Gruppo Cooperativo, member of Diesis Network, has launched an initiative called “Cura Italia”, designed for Italian municipalities to provide vouchers to citizens, as provided for in the Prime Ministerial Decree of 28 March 2020.


“The Municipalities of our country are the institutions closest to the citizens and those who, every day, have to face the practical and immediate needs of the population. In this emergency phase, we have decided to make our digital infrastructure available free of charge to help the municipalities to provide vouchers for the most fragile people,” says Giuseppe Bruno President of CGM.



The portal allows municipalities to easily manage it, allowing them to collect online requests from citizens, to obtain a precise verification of those who actually have a need, and the immediate activation of food vouchers for those really in need. The citizens have their own account and the Municipality can check in real time the use and consumption of food coupons. The platform also simplifies the work of the third sector and territorial cooperation involved in distribution.


In the first phase of the emergency, the Cooperative Group CGM has chosen to put at the service of the community the experience acquired in the field of corporate and territorial welfare, implementing technological and organizational solutions suitable to ensure to reach citizens with essential care services. Three trials of platforms dedicated to territorial welfare have been launched (in Biella, Sondrio and Matera) and from these pilot projects it has been possible to draw important learning elements from the adaptation of welfare services to the context, the flexibility of the digital tool and the speed with which it can respond to the changing needs of communities.


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