The WINS project is here! WINS is the new project funded by the DG EMPL of the European Commission, coordinated by COCETA in partnership with Diesis Network, CISL, Public, ASES and Legacoop Produzione e Servizi.  

The WINS project aims at promoting workers’ involvement in enterprises in general and in the social economy (SEEs), in particular in selected countries in Europe and strengthening transnational co-operation between workers’ and employers’ representatives, also between social economy enterprises and trade unions in respect of employee involvement.​ 

WINS is intended to encourage employees to know their rights and obligations when they work for a commercial enterprise, but even more important, those rights and obligations which allow them to have sufficient information when they become part or employee of a company. ​


The WINS partners are organizing the Online Launching event of the WINS project the 10th and the 24th of February 2021 

The event will be the chance to learn more about Information, Consultation and Participation (ICP) in general, and how these are developed at EU level and in the partners’ countries: Italy, Spain, Slovenia and North Macedonia. We will also have a focus on ICP rights and Workers’ Buyout (WBO). The event will be structured as follows:  


  • 10th of February from 10:30 to 12: Workshop on ICP rights: Social Economy Enterprises as a tool for recovery and development, trade unions and social economy – challenges and solutions. You will have the chance to learn more about ICP right in partners countries and discover some good practices on WBO and ICP rights

Register HERE  for Day 1

Find here the complete AGENDA of DAY 1!


Register HERE for Day 2

Find here the AGENDA of DAY 2!