The MEDICI project facilitates and supports knowledge exchange and replication of good practices among the stakeholders involved in the digital inclusion ecosystem, with the hope to contribute to bridging the “digital divide” affecting in particular the vulnerable groups of society. It does so by providing:

  • Map and Catalogue
  • Online Community
  • Learning Opportunities

Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have become part of people’s daily life and nowadays affect (directly or indirectly) nearly all spheres of people’s life. A 2008 report by Oxford Internet Institute observed the phenomenon of ‘dual exclusion’ – the ways in which structural inequalities like social class combined with ICT-based inequalities reinforce the process of deprivation, such as: low income, unemployment, poor education, ill health and social isolation. The evidence shows a ‘digital divide’ is driven by four main factors: geography, age educational status and income. However the access to ICTs is only one component of digital inclusion.

The Online Community is a virtual space for members and other stakeholders to dive into digital inclusion world. Exchanging knowledge and connecting with each other is the goal. It is all about finding solutions together towards positive change, learning from each other and constantly searching for inspiration.

MEDICI Digital Inclusion Community aims to connect like-minded peers, to meet stakeholders from other European countries and to find support to overcome your challenges. A variety of online activities gives flexibility in the level of engagement.

Being part of MEDICI community gives you access to:

  • European network of organisations working within digital inclusion
  • Webinars with international experts
  • Masterclasses on evaluation and replication of best practices
  • Latest trends in digital inclusion

Check out MEDICI Community:

Discover with this short video the MEDICI Digital Inclusion Community purpose.