Luci sul Lavoro

Immagini, musica e parole che raccontano il lavoro

Also this year #Diesis supports and participates in Luci sul lavoro an event entirely dedicated to the world of work and employment. The event, through a rich program of debates, workshops, interviews, film screenings, shows, brings together public institutions, employers, trade unions, #enterprises and practitioners in a historical period in which this element has a growing social relevance.

Within the three days programme #DIESIS and its network will participate and moderate open debates on various topics highlighting the role and contribution of the #Socialeconomyenterprises to the integration of #migrants in the #labourmarket, the present and future of #Welfare, the implementation of the #EuropeanPillar of #SocialRights.

The event is supported, among others, by the ETUC, European CommissionEESC – European Economic and Social Committee, Italian Ministry of Labour, Regione Toscana#Montepulciano Municipality, #InternationalLabourOrganisation ‏, Consorzio LTF.
#LSL18 #greeneconomy #Montepulciano #LuciSulLavoro

Take a look at the programme